

The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game

|全区中文|策略 / 桌游|容量:3.7GB | 游戏人数:未知||

基于Fantasy Flight LCG旗下《指环王:卡牌游戏》制作,《指环王:成长卡牌》将会把Fantasy Flight Games的获奖成长卡牌游戏在数字平台上进行模拟,让玩家进行体验。

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

指环王:成长卡牌The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game游戏截图

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